Exercise Your Covid Stress Away

Endorphins are a great way to negate the effects of stress!  Keep up with your exercise regimen even if your gym is closed.  Even if it’s open, but you want to stay away to keep your social distance, make sure you keep up with your exercise plan, not only for your physical, but for your mental health as well!

If you have a treadmill, cardio bike or any fitness machines at home, awesome!  Go for it!  Just make sure not to use them for a clothes rack as many of us do!  If not, take a walk, run or bike ride; any form of exercise will do, as long as you get your heart rate up and get your blood flowing!  You will reap the benefits of movement, and as endorphins are released, your body and mind become relaxed and refreshed!

For those of us with a busy lifestyle, exercise doesn’t have to always be an hour-long workout to have value.  Recent studies show that even shorter bursts of exercise that get your heart pumping have great benefits.

So during your day, if you can do a 10-15 minute power walk around the block, that will do your body well.  And if you can’t get out, take a few trips up and down the staircase.  Anything to get your heart rate up and get those endorphins flowing.  A few short spurts a day will definitely benefit you.

Keeping fit by maintaining a good exercise plan and healthy eating habits will not only keep you in better physical shape, but will also lift your spirits!

And add some music to your workout for some added therapy!  Music is food for the soul.  It’s proven that music uplifts your mood and can alleviate stress!

And don’t forget to breathe.  Taking deep breaths can be stress reducing and quite refreshing!

Inspire Me!

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.  Henry David Thoreau

A Little Laughter!

My wife and I were happy for twenty years; then we met.